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We are glad you're interested in our publications. We offer items from two different publishers.

A. Deepak Publishing (ADP) is a division of TakshaShila Institute  that publishes hard copy books and book series, as well as online journals and newsletters, on science and technology, and their history and philosophy.

Deepak Heritage Books (DHB), a division of TakshaShila Institute, offers works pertaining to literary, artistic, cultural, philosophical, religious, and scientific aspects of world heritage, with emphasis on those concerned with histories and traditions belonging to Indic and other civilizations.

Some of Our Popular Titles

Contemporary Issues in Constructive Dharma: Volume I


Proceedings of the First DANAM Conference, Atlanta, 21 November  2003

Edited by Rita Dasgupta Sherma, Ph.D. Binghamton University, New York, and Berghoffer Institute, New York and Adarsh Deepak, Ph.D. Dharma Association …

Authority and It's Challenges in Hindu Texts, Translations, and Transnational Communities

[DHB-509] Edited by Deepak Sarma, Ph.D. Case Western University This volume contains the proceedings of two of the sessions of the Fourth Dharma Association of North America (DANAM) conference held at the site of the American …

Asceticism, Identity, and Pedagogy in Dharma Traditions

[DHB-507] This volume contains the proceedings of three sessions at the Third Dharma Association of North America (DANAM) Conference, held at the site of the American Association of Religion (AAR) Annual Meeting, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, …

Volcanic Activity And Climate

[ADP-vol141] To understand the basis of global climate change, it is necessary to separate man-made from natural causes such as solar and volcanic activity. By regarding volcanic eruptions as large-scale geophysics experiments that allow abundant…

Understanding Climate: Selected Works of Yale Mintz

[ADP-vol136] In the selected works of Yale Mintz, he and his colleagues analyze and treat crucial problems in large scale atmospheric and oceanic circulation. The simulation of meteorological processes, largely using general circulation models, …

Tropical Rainfall Measurements

[ADP-vol123] Tropical rain systems constitute a life-giving resource for billions of people, but their large variability represents a serious threat to those same people in the form of drought or flood extremes. The tropical rainfall process …

The International Global Aerosol Program (IGAP) Pl

[ADP-vol134] This volume contains the comprehensive International Global Aerosol Program (IGAP) Plan, prepared by the ICCP/IRC/ICACGP Joint Working Group on International Aerosol Climatology Project (IACP). It consists of six reports: the …

The Global Role of Tropical Rainfall

[ADP-vol129] Contents
      • Global Scale Hydrologic Cycle
      • Life and Water
      • Role of Surface Water
      • Global Circulation and Tropical Cloud Activity
      • Response of a Coupled …

The Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment ACE at 10

[ADP-vol149] The Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment ACE at 10: A Solar Occultation Anthology Peter Bernath, Editor Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Old Dominion University Norfolk, Virginia, USA
ACE is a very successful …

Spectral Line Shapes

[ADP-vol112] Emphasis was given to the physical processes giving rise to spectral line profiles seen in adsorption, emission, and the scattering of radiation by plasmas and neutral gases. Also included are papers concerned with the coupling of …

RSRM '87: Advances in Remote Sensing Retrieval Methods

[ADP-vol117] The latest techniques and advances in remote sensing of the atmosphere are presented. Twelve different subject areas cover a spectrum of topics that includes Remote Sensing by Tomographic Techniques, Role of Calibration in …

Remote Sensing Calibration Systems

[ADP-vol142] In this comprehensive, in-depth book, twelve state-of-the-art radiometric calibration subject areas are covered: defining system requirements, calibration standards, solar and Earth radiation source, sensors system, NASA/EOS/GOES, …

Radiative Transfer in Scattering and Absorbing Atmosphere: Stand

[ADP-vol110] Prepared under the auspices of the Radiation Commission of the International Association of the Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, this reference standard will provide essential information not only for researchers but also at the …

Proceedings in Atmospheric Electricity

[ADP-vol104] From July 28 to August 1, 1980 researchers in atmospheric electricity gathered in Manchester, England for the VIth International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity. One-hundred fifty presentations from 20 countries covered all …

Prebiological Self Organization of Matter

[ADP-vol118] This book addresses the questions pertinent to how chemical processes became self-maintaining and self-replicating, i.e., produced life forms. Of all areas of organization in nature, such as the cosmos and animal societies, this is …

Polarization and Intensity of Light in the Atmosphere

[ADP-vol113] The definitive work on the properties of visible and near-visible light in the natural environment. Both intensity and complete state of polarization of the light, as they vary with direction of the sun, wavelength, atmospheric and …

Polar and Arctic Lows

[ADP-vol120] This is the first book to document techniques for detection and theoretical advances for prediction of a recently recognized polar atmospheric phenomenon. The first chapter reviews researchers' difficulties in defining the phenomenon…

Ozone in The Atmosphere

[ADP-vol119] Nearly 200 selected papers, many covering one of each of the following subjects:
  • impact of anthropogenic emissions;
  • new data on tropospheric ozone distribution;
  • precursor distribution;
  • Antarctic spring decline …

Optical Properties of Clouds

[ADP-vol103] This volume contains the technical proceedings, including the recommendations, of the Workshop on Clouds: Their Formation, Optical Properties and Effects, that was held in Williamsburg, Virginia, from 14 to 15 May 1980. Twenty-two …

Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols

[ADP-vol133] In addition to review papers that discuss subjects of topical importance, papers included in this conference proceedings cover a wide variety of subjects, fundamental and applied.

Microwave Remote Sensing of the Earth's System

[ADP-vol116] The volume is a collection of extended versions of the papers given at the Microwave Remote Sensing Symposium (IAMAP) of the XIX IUGG General Assembly, held in Vancouver, Canada, August 9-22, 1987. The papers deal with the theory of …

Light Absorption by Aerosol Particles

[ADP-vol101] Technical Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Light Absorption by Aerosol Particles, held at Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, 28 July to 8 August 1980.

IRS 2004: Current Problems in Atmospheric Radiation [ADP-vol148]

The objective of the quadrennial International Radiation Symposium, organized by the International Radiation Commission, is to provide a forum to review the state of the art in the field of atmospheric radiation. These proceedings contain …

IRS 2000: Current Problems in Atmospheric Radiation [ADP-vol147]

The objective of the quadrennial International Radiation symposium is to provide a forum to review the state of the art in the field of atmospheric radiation. These proceedings contain peer-reviewed papers from those presented at the International …

IRS '96: Current Problems in Atmospheric Radiation [ADP-vol143]

The objective of the quadrennial International Radiation symposium is to provide a forum to review the state of the art in the field of atmospheric radiation. These proceedings contain 259 peer-reviewed papers from those presented at the …

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