Chemical Evolution: Self-Organization of the Macromolecules of L [ADP-vol139]


The contents include evidence of early life from the oldest known fossil in the geological record, as well as the prior events of chemical evolution and self-organization; the question of the chirality of protein amino acids is discussed. The book provides an excellent introduction to this ever-growing interdisciplinary area of research in chemistry, physics, and the life sciences. This volume is a Festschrift for the late Professor Cyril Ponnamperuma in whose honor the Second Trieste Conference was held.



The contents include evidence of early life from the oldest known fossil in the geological record, as well as the prior events of chemical evolution and self-organization; the question of the chirality of protein amino acids is discussed. The book provides an excellent introduction to this ever-growing interdisciplinary area of research in chemistry, physics, and the life sciences. This volume is a Festschrift for the late Professor Cyril Ponnamperuma in whose honor the Second Trieste Conference was held.



  • Part I: Chemical Aspects of Self-Organization
  • Part II: Geophysical Aspects of Self Organization
  • Part III: Biochemical Aspects of Self-Organization
  • Part IV: Biophysical Aspects
  • Part V: Chirality and Self-OrganizationISBN 0-937194-32-8, 1995, Hardcover, 352 pages