This volume contains the manuscripts of the papers presented at the Alex Green Symposium/ Festschrift which was held on the occasion of his 75th Birthday. Some of the papers contain original work not presented elsewhere. The book reflects many of the various areas of research in which Professor Green has been involved over the years.
- An Operations Analyst with the 21st Bomber CommandAlex E.S. Green
University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida
- Fission Fragment Mass Distribution with WKB ApproximationKiuck Lee
Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- Medium Energy Measurements of N-N ParametersPeter J. Riley, David Ambrose, Patrick Coffey, George Glass, and Kok-Heong McNaughton
University of Texas, Austin, Texas
- Professor Alex E.S. Green and the Nuclear PhysicsTatsuro Sawada
Koka Women’s Junior College, Kyoto, Japan
- Nucleon-Nucleon One-Boson-Exchange Potential in GainesvilleTamotsu Ueda
Ehime University, Ehime, Japan
- Generalized Field Theory: Past and FutureFred Riewe
Ensco, Inc., Melbourne, Florida
- The Effects of Solar Proton Events on the Middle AtmosphereCharles H. Jackman
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland
- Electron Stopping of Highly Charged IonsJames W. Dufty
University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida
- Innovations in Fire SuppressionCharles J. Kibert
University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida
- Truncated Period Doubling Bifurcations in an Iterated Functional MappingL. Dudley Miller
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia
- LANDIS: A Language Discrimination SystemDavid D. Doda
Ensco Inc., Springfield, Virginia
- Monte Carlo Calculation of Beam Spreading in a Homogeneous Medium: Initial ResultsPaul F. Schippnick
Coastal Systems Station, Panama City, Florida
- Water Vapor in the Middle Atmosphere: A Brief Personal HistoryJohn J. Olivero
, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, Florida
- From the Solar Aureole to the Ozone HoleRichard D. McPeters
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland
- New Developments in the Sources and Sinks of Nitrous Oxide: Implications for Global ChangeSheo Prasad
Science and Technology Corporation, Hampton, Virginia and Creative Research Enterprises, Pleasanton, California
- Stratospheric Ozone IssuesRichard S. Stolarski
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Maryland
Messages from Well-WishersISBN 0-937194-34-4, 1994, Softcover, 220 pages |