This volume contains a selection of papers from the Symposium on Aerosols and Climate, which was part of the XIX General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics held in Vancouver, Canada, 9-22 August 1987. In previous years, former in situ measurements of aerosol effects on air quality and cloud processes were augmented by studies of aerosol effects on the earth’s radiation balance, climate and atmospheric chemistry through global monitoring from satellites.
Included in this volume are five invited papers that review the effects of volcanic emissions on atmospheric aerosols, the radiative effects of atmospheric particles, aerosols in climate modeling, and the potential effects of a nuclear war on the climate of the earth. Thirty-seven contributed papers provide information on the sources, measurement, distribution, properties, and effects of atmospheric aerosols in the troposphere and stratosphere and the role of aerosols in climate change. All papers included in this book were peer-reviewed and revised before final acceptance.
- Sources of Atmospheric Aerosol
- Sensing and Distribution of Atmospheric Aerosol
- Some Properties and Effects of Atmospheric Aerosol Volcanic Effects
- Radiative Effects of Atmospheric Aerosol
- Stratospheric Aerosols
- Aerosols and Climate Change: Nuclear Winter
- Subject Index
- Author Index
ISBN 0-937194-11-5, 1988, Hardcover, 486 pages